Areas of Practice
P - Projects
Primed Global has extensive expertise to develop all stages of your project life cycle, through a dedicated team of project specialists and technical and operational experts with proven experience in delivering successful studies and projects.
The specific value Primed Global can add is in the provision of expertise to determine how the project is effectively set up and structured to deliver the required outcomes. This is especially the case where Primed Global are involved in the study phase to deliver the project to a clear set of key performance indicators. A core strength of Primed Global’s project division is to provide key specialists working within an integrated Owners Team.
Core project services include setting up systems and processes, contract management, health & safety and risk management, project controls and procurement services, quality management and auditing.
R - Resources
Primed Global provide high level capability and expertise to plan and manage exploration programs, geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological projects, undertake studies from concept to feasibility, as well as provide operational support to mine sites.
The range of services provided include the provision of statutory and SSE services, data management and evaluation, geological and geotechnical interpretation and modelling, JORC (and other international standard) resource estimation and audits, independent project evaluations and reviews, due diligence, and tenure management / statutory reporting. Primed Global own and operate a wide range of industry recognised geological and geotechnical software, combined with data management and relevant spatial software.
I - Infrastructure
Primed Global provide a range of services to the infrastructure sector including project engineering, project controls, procurement, construction / commissioning and handover management.
The study / project experience domains include solar facilities, pipelines, water treatment and power stations (gas, coal and hydro).
M - Mining
Primed Global provide industry recognised experts with extensive experience in the areas of mining project development and operational support for opencut and underground mines in various commodities. This includes mining study management from concept through to feasibility, including the analysis and interpretation of geological and geotechnical conditions, detailed mine design and scheduling and the evaluation and selection of mining methods and equipment. Primed Global is experienced in the development of operating and capital cost models to support JORC (and other international standard) reserve estimates.
Primed Global also undertake scoping and design of processing facilities, waste management and supporting infrastructure for mining projects including environmental evaluation and approvals.
Primed Global currently offer mine site technical services support in the areas of mine planning, scheduling ventilation including mine site project management, risk management and statutory
E - Energy
Primed Global provide a range of project management and operational support services to the energy sectors including renewables (solar, hydroelectricity and wind generation), gas, LPG and coal fired power.
Our project management and engineering capability may be used to deliver full project cycle execution or assist clients to plan, develop and maintain energy facilities. High quality and experienced staff deliver the setup of systems and processes, contract and HSE and risk management, cost estimation and control and procurement services, asset and quality management and auditing.
D - Delivery
The internet, software, and technology are so pervasive that we can’t remember having ever lived without them. They make our lives simpler, but behind the curtain are fluctuating challenges in protection and monetization; challenges that our firm stays two steps ahead of. We’ve helped engineers, inventors, gaming startups, and entrepreneurs develop, license, sell, and maintain ownership over their creations. We’ve also negotiated purchasing and partnership agreements for larger investment companies looking for their unicorn.
S - Spatial
Primed Global experts provide geospatial support across domains for all project stages with data collection, manipulation, management or storage as well as GIS analysis and cartographic visualisation services.
Our geospatial services underpin exploration planning and approvals, environmental compliance audits, archaeological and cultural heritage studies, environmental impact statements, mine lease applications and prospectus publications.
Project site selection studies can be conducted to find your ideal project location using public open data or a variety of commercial location, statistical or constraints datasets
Primed Global can support your spatial data infrastructure, web and mobile GIS deployments. The optimisation, design and integration of spatial platforms, web services and mobile devices can enhance your projects and allow for improved stakeholder engagement, large scale asset audits or reduced risk during field work.